(To see LHSA’s Facebook page, please log on to Facebook at www.facebook.com/ and search for ‘Lothian Health Services Archive’, and to see LHSA’s Flickr account go to www.flickr.com/photos/49439570@N08/sets/.)
Our image sets on Flickr
We have written a short presentation describing our first forays into Web 2.0 and social media, where we have had success in raising our profile, and the lessons we have learnt along the way. There will also be presentations from the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Scotland, Perth and Kinross Council Archives, West Yorkshire Archives, the Victoria and Albert Museum and The National Archives.
We’re really looking forward to the opportunity to talk about this work with colleagues in the wider profession, and hope to come back with lots of new ideas.
As you would expect from a conference all about social media, you will be able to follow it on Twitter @EngageShare #afelg.